NEW! The Almond Doubler for UNIX. . .
Transparent on-the-fly data compression and expansion doubles the storage space
on your hard drive.

The Almond Utilities for UNIX

AlmondSeed Products. . .

bullet The Almond Doubler

The Almond Doubler for UNIX provides transparent, on-the-fly data compression and expansion, yielding on average twice the usable space on a hard disk drive. Files can be compressed manually, or automatically based on user-definable criteria such as file size, age, compression savings, etc. When a compressed file is accessed, it is automatically expanded without intervention by the user. The Almond Doubler uses the proven and reliable STAC LZS compression algorithm. No modifications to the UNIX kernel or file systems are made, and no drivers are installed.

bullet The Almond Utilities for UNIX

The Almond Utilities for UNIX include 16 separate utility programs derived under license from the popular Norton Utilities. Among the more popular utilities, UnRemove provides for recovery of accidentally erased files; The Almond Disk Explorer allows for viewing and editing hard disks down to the bit level; Almond Change Directory provides a graphical directory viewing and navigation tool; and ScrubDisk permanently erases sensitive data in conformance with Department of Defense specifications.

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